Description: Shoulda played those Kings mikey OK? Exchange shutdown in BSV's future
Description: Women of Bitcoin
Description: Streamanity Jack, Len Mazur
Description: Medium article: Why BSV can have a great year in 2022
Description: Versus assets & how shipping containers as BSV are commodities
Description: A history of Isaac's background & talk of RUN token "npc"
Description: Diamonds in the Rough Podcast compared TAALF to BSV to see what merits of investing in a Node Company were to BSV the commodity
Description: history of company, background for investors (VC)
Description: Find out more about this $1.58 stock
Description: Basic backgrounder on TAAL as potential investment
Description: DITR Diamonds in the Rough examines the price you could swoop in and buy btc when it goes down in price
Description: This is the ultimate meme to describe 2020-2021. Square hole is the FANGS = FB AMZN NFLX GOOG + SQ
Description: HODLing is sinful; What is Investing? A story about servant #1, servant #2, and servant #3
Description: Response to Jackson Laskey's question about legacy businesses who will love BitCoin
Description: A primer on the question of WHAT #BSV entity to invest?
Description: Snap was last big call, BSV was next in April 2019 at $50-60
Description: The first lesson in investing like an alpha-generating professional
Description: A first look at TAAL after a hundred plus hours of experienced research
Description: compared to FB since time of recommendation
Description: SeekingAlpha denied my articles, said recommending stocks that double and 10x wasn't in their plans
Description: Commodities prices including West Texas Intermediate full span of contract months
Description: little ditty on why NOT to buy oil despite its $45 price being one of the cheapest in history, inflation-adjusted
Description: Bills and coins have gotten cumbersome. Their critics say digital money will make everything from buying a latte to climbing out of poverty easier.